he Pharma Sales Analysis Dashboard can be leveraged by those in the Veterinary Pharmaceuticals domain to effectively track the Sale of Products targeted toward the treatment of small animal species. Users can quickly analyze the Top Five Cities and the Bottom Five Cities with respect to Product Sales. The dashboard provides a comprehensive report on Sales by Therapeutic Group. Additionally, it shows the therapeutic Sales Trends across any given period of time. 




Some of the major challenges faced by Pharmaceuticals Companies for Sales analysis are : 

  • No Centralised repository for storing data across geographies 
  • Extra time, efforts and poor analysis because of manual activities 
  • No way to compare periodic sales (like YoY, Last year vs. this year, target vs. achieved etc.) 
  • No Insights  on sales data across different categories 



 Our solution enabled the following capabilities to address customer challenges : 

  • Summarized data showing Total Sales, Last Year Sales, Growth, Month on month therapeutic  sales trend 
  • Interactive dashboards providing capability to focus on a specific category 
  • Real time  KPIs to track top 5 and Bottom 5 cities based on the Sales 
  • Capability to export and share the analysis and insights with higher management for better decision making

Reduced time to insight


Increased focus on non-performing categories


Precision in comparative analysis


Increase in informed decision making