As COVID-19 pandemic forcing people to abstain from Social life and plunging businesses to its edge. The bridal industry is facing its own set of challenges, both short term, and long term. As the global economy plummets down, there will be a high impact on people’s spending. Among all the expenses, people will tend to cut back the wedding expense the most, which means more and more people will go for simple and in-expensive weddings. This Case study gives a synopsis of one wedding franchise who is dealing with this sudden surge and how they are mitigating these challenges.



  • Difficulties in understanding the most affected area in bridal fashion
  • Absence of analyzing in-store and virtual sales
  • Decentralized system for analyzing multiple sectors
  • Lack of high-level KPIs for quick decision making



Our solution enabled the following capabilities to address customer challenges :

  • Ability to quickly compare between in-store and virtual sales performance
  • Identifying sectors that are most affected by Covid-19
  • Analyzing appointment wise sales for various sectors



Increase in virtual sales


Increase in total registrations


Increase in category wise performance


Product sales growth