Our client is a leading airport management group handling millions of passenger movements every month for one of the busiest airports in the world. Our client uses this dashboard to analyze incidents and events from various areas together and to proactively manage daily business interruptions. It gives details on various incidents captured related to aircraft, FOD, medical, vehicle equipment, or any other facilities related. We can see the number of pending, critical, and on hold incidents for different categories and also the list of flights that were affected. 



Major challenges faced by Client in day to day operations were : 

  • No access to any historical data, making it difficult to analyze trends in incidents 
  • Poor management of operations leading to lack of insights on daily business interruptions 
  • Extra time, efforts and poor analysis because of Manual Incidents Account Reporting 



Incident Management Dashboard developed by InfoCepts provided a consolidated view of all kinds of incidents at one place to Management helping them to :

  • Analyze Incidents across Time, Terminal and Incident Types and allows trend monitoring 
  • Track, identify and eliminate problem reoccurrences over the period of time 
  • Provide top observations based on the trend e.g. among all the FOD incidents -runway, taxiway and aircraft stand was most reported
  • Proactively manage airport incidents for continuous services in  all departments of the airline 

Customer Satisfaction


Reduced risk of damage due to FOD


Reduced incident reoccurrences


Payback from incident mitigation